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Rehearsal for Jack
Davis Memorial Concert
December, 2010

Getting ready for
"Pasta Night"
Joint event with Camerata Chorale
New Paltz United Methodist Church
Great food and fellowship were
enjoyed by all!
Brahms Requiem
May, 2010

Camerata in action! |
Our guides in song -
Gary Palmieri, Lee Pritchard and
Laurie Woolever |
Our incredible
accompanist, Gary Palmieri |

Just before a concert |
Pre-concert brush-up |
Dress Rehearsal |
Lee &
Gary - our fearless
leaders! |

(L to R) John Ayling,
Mary Kelley, Grace Ryerson, Lee
Pritchard, Connie Lacey, and Ted
Honored at a pot-luck
dinner and the meeting which
followed were John Ayling of
Mahopac, Mary Kelley of Town of
Poughkeepsie, Connie Lacey of
Fishkill, and Grace Ryerson of Town
of Poughkeepsie. The four have been
singing with the group since its
inception in 1963.
honorees were presented momentos to
mark the occasion. It was noted by
artistic director Lee H. Pritchard
that since Camerata Chorale has
presented an average of three
different concerts each season, it
would have been possible for a
charter member to have sung more
than 100 concerts with the group.